Latest Nova Scotia Crown land allocation includes residual Deer Winter Area

Markus Kehoe makes this plea:

Our wildlife need some help. Today [June 22], the province updated their forestry harvest plan map with a cutting plan in Upper Vaughan. The area they are planning to cut has been designated by the province as a Deer Winter Area. Everything around this block of mature softwood has already been cut. Its all they have left.

The area also has documented sightings, signs, hair samples, captures and photo’s of endangered wildlife like mainland moose and pine marten.

I’m not against logging, but i am against cutting this area. It’s all the wildlife have left. It makes no sense why would take the last block of mature softwood from them, or why we would cut an area thats been designated by the province for wildlife.

I’m asking for public support. The province gives us a standard 20 days to comment on the proposal before final appoval is given. Please consider taking a few minutes and let the province know this not acceptable. Please send comments to and please send Chuck Porter [West Hants Liberal MLA] a message at as well.

UPDATE July 1, 2017: See Hants Journal for July 29: Hunter concerned about clear-cut located in Vaughan designated deer wintering area

Kehoe said he’s not against clear-cutting, saying it replaces the natural cleansing that forest fires used to bring in larger numbers, but he said there’s something very wrong with this particular one. “It’s good to take down trees that are at the end of their lifecycle, but that’s not what they’re cutting, they’re going after the premium stuff from pre-existing roads,” he said. “It just needs to be done responsibly so we’re not left with problems afterwards.


Thx to MP for passing this along and to Markus Kehoe for speaking up for wildlife.

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