Re-commit to the Natural Resources Strategy & regulate clearcutting says EAC

regulate clearcuttingRegulation of clearcutting is one of four Green Priorities the Ecology Action Centre has identified for the next Nova Scotia Government to implement (Nova Scotia will elect a new government on May 30, 2017):

Nova Scotia needs to regulate clearcutting and other destructive forestry practices as per the commitments in the Natural Resources Strategy.

Five years ago, as a result of a three-year public policy process that engaged thousands of citizens and expert panelists, Nova Scotia committed to: reducing the use of clearcutting to no more than 50% of all forest harvesting within five years; strictly regulate whole-tree harvesting; and to stop public subsidies for herbicide spraying.

Today clearcutting is at 89%, herbicide spraying is common-place, and there are no restrictions on whole-tree harvesting or a cap on annual allowable cut. The EAC calls on the next Nova Scotia government to re-commit to the important reforms outlined in the Natural Resources Strategy

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