Independent review of forestry announced in Nova Scotia budget address

“Government will also appoint an independent expert to review our forestry practices to ensure we strike the right balance for our forests. This review will get underway as soon as possible, starting first in the western region. No future long-term timber harvesting licences will be awarded on crown land until the work is complete”
From printout of the Budget Address 2017-2018 tabled today (Apr 27, 2017) in the Nova Scotia legislature.

UPDATE MAY 1, 2017: As expected, Premier McNeil dropped the writ on Sunday, April 30, for an election on May 30.
Neal Livingston (Apr 29, 2017) said what a lot of people were thinking:

Dear Premier McNeil:

While the pledge in the budget speech pledge to set up an independent review of forest practices, recognizes the concerns of Nova Scotians, who have signed petitions, written letters and met with you and other politician, as it is on the eve of an election, we wonder if the announcement is designed to forestall criticism during the campaign.

We already have had an independent forestry review. The Natural Resource Strategy consultation that took place 5 years ago engaged thousands of Nova Scotians. It did a good job of reviewing our forestry practices and establishing a ‘right balance for our forests’. It was better than the review you have promised because its mandate covered biodiversity, as well as forest practices, and because it drew on a wide range of experts, not only mill interests.

Why didn’t you implement the recommendations that came from the consultation? If you, and Premier Dexter had implemented them, our forests, and our forest industries would be far healthier today.

Ban clear cutting in Nova Scotia, Change =Jobs.


Neal Livingston
Margaree Environmental Association
c/o Box 55, Mabou, Nova Scotia

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