Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..8Mar2017

UPDATE Mar 9, 2017: Also in yesterday’s to and fro: a letter from woodlot owner Tom Miller commenting on NSDNR Minister Lloyd Hines’ talk to the Pictou Chamber of Commerce (see post Mar 6: Looking after Nova Scotia’s Crown land garden, below) an example he says “of our government leading from the top – down….It turns out that a majority of people telling the government very clearly what they want doesn’t carry much weight with our elected officials.” Read more in NGnews
Mar 8, 2017: Two letters in the CH today respond to Malcolm Barkhouse’s comments of Mar 4, 2017 “More to satellite images than meets the magnifier”. (See Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..4Mar2017)

First Donna Crossland, the author of the piece with satellite imagery that Barkhouse said had greatly exaggerated clearcutting, responded directly: “Simply visiting the GFW website, where he could have put down his magnifying glass, and investigating the satellite images as closely as required might have alleviated concerns.”

Woodlot owner Tom Miller comments; “To Mr. Barkhouse’s statement that “it is very likely that only a small percentage of Crown land has been cut at all,” you won’t need a magnifying glass to read former DNR minister Zach Churchill’s words to me in a letter dated Aug. 13, 2014. I was part of a group trying to create a community forest here in Pictou County. In in his refusal, Mr. Churchill stated, in part, “Unfortunately, the province currently is dealing with a significant fibre shortage (on Crown land) . . .” You can rest assured that most definitely Crown land has been cut and overcut at that.”

View Voice of the People in CH for Mar 8, 2017

As noted under About this site, “The Home Page for this website consists of “posts” and is intended to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia as they unfold, beginning on June 21, 2016.”

To view past posts reporting on Letters and Editorials, click on Letters&Editorials under Categories on the right panel of this page, or click here. I am sure I have missed a few or quite a few, but I do not filter on the basis of whether I agree with them or not (although I may comment on them), so the compilation should provide some sense of the back and forth about forestry in Nova Scotia in the Editorials and Letters to the Ed.

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