UK study identifies IPCC greenhouse gas accounting rules issue

Worse than coal

UPDATE Mar 16, 2017: Burning wood for energy ignites fierce academic row (BBC Mar 15, 2017). “Scientists on both sides of the Atlantic have become embroiled in a war of words over energy from trees.”
Feb 23, 2017 post: A report by Duncan Brack for Clatham House (The Royal Institute of International Affairs) identifies the flaw in the IPCC greenhouse gas accounting rules that allow bioenergy from primary forest biomass to be counted as carbon neutral. In fact bioenergy generated from primary forest biomass emits more carbon per unit of energy than most fossil fuels over the time interval in which it is most critical to reduce GHG emissions.

It’s not really “news”, but sooner or later, this reality will impact markets and international GHG agreements. The report moves us another step.

‘Time to get ahead of the curve, Nova Scotia.


The Impacts of the Demand for Woody Biomass for Power and Heat on Climate and Forests (Clatham House, Feb. 2017)

The EU’s renewable energy policy is making global warming worse (New Scientist, 23 Feb 2017).

Natural Resources Canada GHG Calculator confirms Nova Scotia forest bioenergy schemes are worse than coal (Post on this website, Jan 3, 2017)


Tip of the hat to JS and Treefrog (Feb 23, 2017) for alerting me to the Clatham House report.

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