A sweet spot in Nova Scotia’s hardwoods

Sugar maples on the woodlot of the late Wilf Creighton

An article in the business section of the CH for Feb 2, 2017 provides some upbeat news about NS forests and forest industry for a change. Chris and Anna Hutchinson “wanted to return to Nova Scotia from Ontario and maple production provided a way in.” Says Anna: “We started out with 60 acres, and we found we loved it — working spring and winter, seeing the sap come out of the trees, cooking it. It’s an exciting thing to see happen every single year.”

The Hutchinsons have now taken their challenge – “what to do with delicious, organic Nova Scotia maple syrup flowing from 60,000 taps spread over 1,500 acres in Lake Paul — some they own, some they lease from the Crown” – to The Dragons’ Den; they will be featured on Feb. 15. Read CH article.

‘Wish them well for so many reasons – a local success, forest will be conserved, carbon captured, habitat provided for wildlife… and lots of the sweetest stuff in the world produced in Nova Scotia. Thanks for coming back to Nova Scotia Chris and Anna!

‘Tip of the hat to DW for forwarding this story.

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