Council of Canadians asks: Is Biomass Energy Sustainable?

biomass-clearcut-panel-coc-poster-18-11-2016 The Council of Canadians is sponsoring a panel discussion of a “Clear Cut Question”: Is Biomass Energy Sustainable?

Panelists are Bob Bancroft, Richard Pearson and Mary Jane Rodgers. The discussion takes place Friday, November 18, 2016. 7-9 pm at the Mahone Bay Centre (45 School St. Mahone Bay).

Bob Bancroft is a well known wildlife biologist and co-author of the 2010 Report Restoring the Health of Nova Scotia’s Forests who has argued that our forests are seriously overcut and that we need to give them a rest. Richard Pearson is a business person with a background in sustainable development who is promoting a small scale biomass energy project for Bridgewater. Mary Jane Rodger is with the Medway Community Forest Co-op.

‘Should be informative.

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