This a.m in the news: Defending clearcuts, Concerns about spraying, and More clearcuts near protected spaces

Free helicopter Clipart - Free Clipart Graphics, Images and Photos ...Two letters in the CH today argue that all is well. “Woodlot owners are well on their way to making Nova Scotia the greenest forest constituency in North America.” says Kingsley Brown, President, Nova Scotia Landowners and Forest Fibre Producers Association, South Side Harbour.

Anthony Turner of Moser River compares clearcutting to harvesting a garden: I ask those opposed to clear cutting if they plant a vegetable garden and, when it is ripe and ready for harvest, do they selectively harvest it and revisit it in December, only to find it in varying states of rot and not so ascetically pleasing anymore? The same is true of forests that have created employment for our own and many other families, harvesting renewable resources our great creator has provided for us. It is unfortunate a few think we should leave them to the ravages of nature and not consider renewable management and utilization of the species.” See Voice of the People.

On the other hand, an article in the LocalExpress today highlights the concerns people expressed at a forum meant to quay those concerns about spraying glyphosate on clearcuts. “Three experts defended the herbicide glyphosate as posing no risk to humans at a forestry forum in Truro on Wednesday night. Many of the 125 people in attendance weren’t buying it.” See LocalExpress.

And an article in the Digby Courier reveals that “The Department of Natural Resources has proposed cutting forests up to the boundaries of 15 other protected spaces within Nova Scotia besides Kejimkujik National Park.”

‘Seems the government is in a hurry to cut and spray before anyone else notices.

UPDATE: The Mi’kmaq, who were not consulted about glyphosate use, noticed. “While Gloade [Millbrook Chief Bob Gloade] said his community does not fish, hunt, or gather food or traditional medicines on the land that will be sprayed directly, he’s concerned about possible watershed contamination and what impact it will have on wildlife in the area.” View Mi’kmaq want consultation on glyphosate use (Sep 8). Thank you, Chief Gloade.

A segment on CBC’s Information Morning on Sep 13 presented some opposing views on glyphosate use. View Public concerns about herbicide use in Nova Scotia rising, though usage steady

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