Goal to reduce clear-cutting, whole-tree harvesting abandoned: author

So reads the title of a front page article in the Sept 1 print version of the CH following an interview with Donna Crossland. She was a co-author, with Bob Bancroft, of Restoring the Health of Nova Scotia’s Forests, a Panel of Expertise Report for the DSC00788Natural Resources Strategy 2010 process. The article gives some of the history of that process and the followup. Amongst the consequences of failing to significantly reduce clear cutting are likely declines in species that rely on continuous forest land for survival such as marten and fishers, and more stress on salmon and trout. “If ever there was a time for Nova Scotians to cry out over the destruction of forests and wildlife habitat—it is now” says Crossland. View CH article & UPDATE

NSDNR minister Lloyd Hines responded to this article in a letter to the CH on Sep 6. “…Nova Scotians asked for a change in the way we manage Crown land and that we base decisions on science that takes into account all aspects of forests. We are delivering on this and providing transparency and accountability in decision-making…”

There are two other letters relating to our forests and forestry on the same day
– Elmer M. MacKay, Lorne: “May I, as a person who has a life-long connection with forests, offer an ancient comment on the crisis affecting our woodlands?
Consider Demosthenes’ advice when asked what was to be done about the decline of Athens. His reply: “I will give what I believe is the fairest and truest answer: don’t do what you are doing now.”
– Jim O’Brien, Baddeck: “…Since premier Robert Stanfield sold Nova Scotia’s forests to Stora Kopparberg of Sweden, every Nova Scotia government, right, left or centre, has pursued and often subsidized (research suggests up to a billion dollars) destructive forest practices…”

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