Do economic woes lead to conservative forest use in Nova Scotia?

Remnant gypsum karst woodland on the Avon Peninsula, Nova Scotia
Click on image for larger version

I recently re-visited a remnant woodland on gypsum karst near Avondale, an area slated in 2008 for expansion of the Miller’s Creek (Fundy Gypsum) mine. The expansion was approved by Nova Scotia Environment in February 2010.

Then the downturn in U.S. housing dampened the market and the mine was closed in early 2011. Now even the Keep Out signs are gone from the entrance to the old mine.
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Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, clearcuts, Conservation, Economics, Natural History, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper | Leave a comment

Independent review of forestry announced in Nova Scotia budget address

“Government will also appoint an independent expert to review our forestry practices to ensure we strike the right balance for our forests. This review will get underway as soon as possible, starting first in the western region. No future long-term timber harvesting licences will be awarded on crown land until the work is complete”
From printout of the Budget Address 2017-2018 tabled today (Apr 27, 2017) in the Nova Scotia legislature.

UPDATE MAY 1, 2017: As expected, Premier McNeil dropped the writ on Sunday, April 30, for an election on May 30.
Neal Livingston (Apr 29, 2017) said what a lot of people were thinking: Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review, NSDNR, Tree Harvests, WestFor | Leave a comment

Naturalists question the science of sustainable forestry in Nova Scotia

Ovenbird nest with chicks
By Fredlyfish4Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link
The density of ovenbird territories declines as intensity of forest harvesting increases (BBMP2)

“The Conservation Committee of the Halifax Field Naturalists has prepared a document commenting on the impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity and asking questions about the underlying science.”


Questions about forestry science forwarded to NSDNR
Post on HFN website Apr 25, 2017

Impacts of forestry in Nova Scotia on conservation of biodiversity: Concerns and Questions
HFN Conservation Committee document (PDF), Apr 26, 2017
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Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Conservation, Ecosystem Services, NSDNR, Parks & Protected Areas, Selection Harvest, Show Us the Science, Wildlife | Leave a comment

WestFor Interim Agreement extended to Sep. 2017

Western Crown lands, modified from CPAWS map (2012)

A CBC report this a.m. indicated that the long term agreement being negotiated with WestFor to access and manage the Western Crown Lands has been extended to Sept., thereby placing the final decision until after an election likely to be announced soon.
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Softwood lumber tariff of 19.88% to hit Nova Scotia May 1

“After a day of uncertainty, the Nova Scotia government admitted late Tuesday afternoon it has lost a long-standing exemption from U.S. border taxes on softwood lumber exports from the province, at least for now.” J.D. Irving operating mainly in N.B. was the one Maritime mill singled out for a a much lower countervailing duty of 3%. View CBC News. Irving has one mill in Nova Scotia, which according to a CH report is also subject to only a 3% countervailing duty. Irving also operates mills in Maine.

View also:

U.S. Delays Exclusion Decision on Softwood Lumber Duties
NS Intergovernmental Affairs Press Release Apr 25, 2017

Forestry changes in 2014 made New Brunswick lumber a target in U.S.
CBC Apr 28, 2017

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Liberal MLA asks for review of Nova Scotia forest practices

MLA Joachim Stroink (Halifax Chebucto) posted a letter he wrote to Nova Scotia Natural Resources Minister Lloyd Hines:

….I have heard from my constituents about the importance of protecting our forests. They have specific concerns about the sustainability of our forests and what can be done to ensure that our decisions are informed by the best available science. Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Independent Review, Recreation, Show Us the Science, Wildlife | Leave a comment

Editorials and letters about forestry in Nova Scotia, continued..22Apr2017

In a CH op-ed today (Apr 22, Earth Day), Dale Smith questions the elevated status of forestry as the default use for Crown land in Nova Scotia. “The role and importance of Crown land as a publicly-owned asset effectively has been lost in the longstanding and contentious debate around forestry policies and practices in Nova Scotia”, he writes. “Crown land, as a public asset, should and must be managed to achieve a wide variety of objectives that collectively serve the common good. In broad strokes, these range from the maintenance of biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services through outdoor recreation and nature tourism to resource utilization, including commercial forestry.” View OPINION: Crown land usage: Recreation vs. logging

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Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Letters&Editorials, Recreation, Social Values | Leave a comment

We can “cut less and do more” to foster a healthy forest economy in Nova Scotia

So said Robert Taylor, President of Taylor Lumber Co., in a presentation to the Nova Scotia Legislature Resources Committee today. The theme of the session was sustainable forestry. The other presenter was Jeff Bishop, Executive Director of Forest Nova Scotia.

Taylor Lumber Sawmill. Cutting residue is sent to their chipping plant for further processing or burned to produce electricity at their co-generating plant.(Click on photo to go to source page.)

Taylor Lumber is a family-owned business founded in 1936 that operates out of Middle Musquodoboit, with 90-110 employees. Taylor described it as a highly diversified operation focussing on sales and services locally, although they have been much more involved in exports in the past. It includes a saw mill producing 55 – 65,000 BFM/day, a finishing plant, a pallet plant, a dry kiln, a chipping plant, a co-generation biomass plant constructed in the mid-1990s, woodlots, and forest management services. The woodlots are FSc certified. Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, clearcuts, Economics, NSDNR, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper, Social Values, softwood lumber, Wood Construction | Leave a comment

NSDNR publishes A Field Guide to Forest Biodiversity Stewardship

From the NSDNR news Release (Apr 19, 2017):

A new hands-on guidebook is available that describes how Nova Scotians can help keep the province’s woodlands healthy.

“Three-quarters of our province is forest and preserving that rich biodiversity is a responsibility that we all share,” said [Nova Scotia] Minister of Natural Resources Lloyd Hines. “By teaching people to be good stewards of our environment this guide will help ensure our forests stay healthy for future generations.”

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Cape Breton Post: NAFTA sides with PHP

& “U.S. Department of Commerce must now reconsider border duties”.

View CB post Article (April 17, 2017)

Tip of the Hat to Treefrog News for this item.

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