Search Results for: Mainland Moose

Logging in SWNS Biosphere Reserve 19Nov2020

Shanni BeeStop on Spraying & Clear-Cutting Nova Scotia November 19 at 6:14 PM · Map-making as a subversive activity, Southwest Nova Biosphere Edition. I tried to make things as clear as I could, but there is still a lot going … Continue reading

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Letter From Bob B

Thus letter from Bob Bancroft was shared on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Nov 18, 2020 From Bev W. LETTER::: This is a letter from Bob Bancroft – biologist and president of Nature Nova Scotia – to … Continue reading

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It seems L&F’s response to just about everything is ignore, study some more, hire some more & keep on logging 16Nov2020

With still no response from L&F to the protests over logging in Mainland Moose Country, the Naturalists’ legally successful lawsuit not withstanding, I read this am that L&F is now looking for a Resource Analyst – Wildlife Biodiversity Modeler (Biologist … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, Social Values | Comments Off on It seems L&F’s response to just about everything is ignore, study some more, hire some more & keep on logging 16Nov2020

Despite the Encampment…

From a post by Sydnee Lynn shared on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Nov 13, 2020 “Despite the encampment, the forestry industry are very busy clear-cutting and getting ready for a two-year stretch within the area that … Continue reading

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BWLetter 4Nov2020

Letter posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group) MOOSE BLOCKADE – 2 WEEKS AND STILL WAITING FOR A RESPECTFUL RESPONSE November 4, 2020 Dear Premier, Ministers Mombourquette and Wilson, and other interested parties, It … Continue reading

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XR 3Nov2020

Press release from Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia’s Moose Country Blockade — November 3rd, 2020 We are in complete agreement with the demand now being put forward by groups across the province for a moratorium on all even-aged harvests on crown … Continue reading

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Clearcutting in Nova Scotia continued…intensive cutting, a new definition of a clearcut, and questions about loggers from out of province and wood going to NB 18Oct2020

Questions begging for answers UPDATE Oct 22, 2020 “Extinction Rebellion Forest Protectors are camped out NOW, and are committed to stopping this clear cut.” Posted on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology late yesterday Oct 23: Protesters block … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Social Media | Comments Off on Clearcutting in Nova Scotia continued…intensive cutting, a new definition of a clearcut, and questions about loggers from out of province and wood going to NB 18Oct2020

Herbicide Barren

CBC Information Morning -NS, Sep 2, 2020: Outdoorsman shocked by glyphosate treated forest “Not too many Nova Scotians have seen what a forest looks like after it’s been sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate. We hear from a man who was … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Supreme Court rules in favour of Naturalists/East Coast Environmental Law versus NS Lands & Forestry 29May2020

Today’s decision confirms that Nova Scotia’s ESA is the law, and not a set of vague or voluntary guidelines. The Minister is required to fulfill the law’s mandatory requirements to protect some of the province’s most vulnerable species. – Sarah … Continue reading

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Shelly Hipson: Concerns about how Crown lands will be designated for High Production Forestry in Nova Scotia 11May 2020

UPDATE May 16, 2020: On Friday, May 15, 2020, Lands & Forestry Minister Iain Rankin was interviewed on CBC’s Information Morning (Halifax) regarding the comments of Shelly Hipson on May 11 (below) about the HPF (High Production Forestry) proposals for … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Shelly Hipson: Concerns about how Crown lands will be designated for High Production Forestry in Nova Scotia 11May 2020