Search Results for: Annapolis

In the News Jan-May 2022

This page lists news items related to forests and forestry in NS beginning Jan 1, 2022. Sometime during the past year, I started putting all news items on this page –  instead of putting some items on other pages (e.g. … Continue reading

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Now (June 10, 2022) on YouTube: Nova Scotia’s Windy Forests: 2022 Celebration of Nature Keynote (YouTube Video) “Naturalist Dr. David Patriquin kicked off our 2022 Celebration of Nature with “Nova Scotia’s Windy Forests”, a look at Wabanaki/Maritime Forest disturbance regimes, … Continue reading

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BW Letter 10May2022

From post on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology May 10, 2022 Att: Honourable Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada, Steven Guilbeault Dear Minister Guilbeault I am writing to you with regard to the Migratory Birds Convention … Continue reading

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What the Last Hope forest encampment in Nova Scotia is all about: In depth with Nina Newington on Talking Radical Radio 8May2022

The Nova Scotia government announced recently that a key component in the implementation of Ecological Forestry on Crown lands – the use of the SGEM, a manual that prescribes how forestry is to be conducted on the ‘Ecological Matrix – … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Independent Review, Indigenous Peoples, Landscape Level Planning, Social Media, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on What the Last Hope forest encampment in Nova Scotia is all about: In depth with Nina Newington on Talking Radical Radio 8May2022

Nina N on TRR-1

Nina Newington on Talking Radical Radio – 1 (Nina N on TRR-1) These three pages are a transcript from an interview with Nina Newington on Talking Radical Radio, hosted by Scott Neigh on May 3, 2022. Use the Navigation Menu below … Continue reading

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Press Reports

(This page is a subpage of History/Birds/2022 Bird Study) The Scientific Article Forest degradation drives widespread avian habitat and population declines by Matthew G. Betts et all, 2022 in Nature Ecology & Evolution. The full text is publicly available … Continue reading

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On Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe in Nova Scotia 30Mar2022

Retired DNR pest and GIS specialist Bob Guscott has had  an “obsession” with Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe for many years. He recently shared his wealth of knowledge about this early flowering Nova Scotia plant in a presentation to the Nova Scotia … Continue reading

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Early spring – an opportune time to be on the lookout for Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in Nova Scotia 25Mar2022

We learned of the arrival of this  really horrible pest, the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid (HWA), aka the Hemlock Vampires, in NS (and in all of Atlantic Canada) only in Aug of 2017, which seems like ages ago now. When first … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Pests | Comments Off on Early spring – an opportune time to be on the lookout for Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in Nova Scotia 25Mar2022

AP068499 Beals Meadow Soil Type

Also view: CURRENT ISSUES/AP068499 Beals Meadow  On logging of Nova Scotia Crown land parcel AP068499 Beals Meadow : 3. The Depleted Soils 19Jun2022 NSFN Post, June 19, 2022  CURRENT ISSUES/AP068499 Beals Meadow/Nutrient Budgeting for AP068499 Beals Meadow ———- AP068499 Beals … Continue reading

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Day 105 at the Last Hope camp

From Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia Mar 16, 2022 For better and worse, those of us with data get emails at camp. The latest list of proposed cuts on ‘crown’ land showed up in our mailboxes a couple of … Continue reading

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