Search Results for: near Protected Area

What’s wrong with clearcutting?

To be more specific: Whats wrong with clearcutting the Acadian Forest in Nova Scotia? Note, Mar 4, 2019: NSDNR/L&F no longer use the word “clearcut”, but the practice goes on, described as “Overstory Removal” and/or “Variable Retention”. View link. Outside … Continue reading

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All Posts

The posts on the Home Page are intended to serve as a record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia, with some commentary, as they unfold, beginning on June 21, 2016. Undoubtedly … Continue reading

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On potential climate benefits of the New Glasgow Nova Scotia District Heating Project 11Jun2022

Claims of climate benefits for any forest bioenergy project need to be backed up with  rigorous and transparent carbon accounting; there is some indication that the New Glasgow project, in contrast to other forest bioenergy projects in Nova Scotia, is … Continue reading

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In the News Jan-May 2022

This page lists news items related to forests and forestry in NS beginning Jan 1, 2022. Sometime during the past year, I started putting all news items on this page –  instead of putting some items on other pages (e.g. … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia government puts hold on logging of Crown land in watershed hosting endangered Atlantic Whitefish 9May2022

UPDATE May 10 2022: Reprieve for critically endangered Atlantic whitefish as logging plans halted by Paul Withers for CBC News “N.S. government cites concerns road construction needed to access area near Bridgewater could harm lakes” ——— I just received, as … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Natural History, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Nova Scotia government puts hold on logging of Crown land in watershed hosting endangered Atlantic Whitefish 9May2022

Nina N on TRR-3

Navigation –Post May 8, 2022 –Nina N on TRR-1 –Nina N on TRR-2 –Nina N on TRR-3 (This Page) Talking Radical Radio Nina Newington (continued) Government inaction: “ it’s up to us to get in the way” But it feels … Continue reading

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Nina N on TRR-1

Nina Newington on Talking Radical Radio – 1 (Nina N on TRR-1) These three pages are a transcript from an interview with Nina Newington on Talking Radical Radio, hosted by Scott Neigh on May 3, 2022. Use the Navigation Menu below … Continue reading

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Mayflowers, more lichens and a lot else in the old forest at the Last Hope Camp 17Apr2022

From Nina Newington’s post, “Day 137 at the Last Hope camp”  on Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia, today (April 17, 2022): “At every opportunity, humans need to feel the power, order, beauty and greater life force of the natural … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, Citizen Science, Natural Resources & Renewables | Comments Off on Mayflowers, more lichens and a lot else in the old forest at the Last Hope Camp 17Apr2022

Big Forestry and Big Development versus Precious Natural Places in rural and urban Nova Scotia 15Apr2022

The Good News: Nova Scotians care about these places, regardless of the governing party A deluge of pleas to write letters/join campaigns recently makes it clear that  the pressure to obtain direct economic benefit at the expense of some our most … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Natural Resources & Renewables, New PC Government | Comments Off on Big Forestry and Big Development versus Precious Natural Places in rural and urban Nova Scotia 15Apr2022

Minamkeak Lake

  Apr 12, 2022: Bridgewater Watershed Protection Alliance Minamkeak Lake lichen hunt Frances found one species at risk lichen: Pectenia plumbea (Blue Felt Lichen) , our unofficial provincial lichen. It was a lovely day for an outing and great company. … Continue reading

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