Search Results for: Mainland Moose

“What the morrow brings”: WestFor applies for injunction to stop Moose Protectors 10Dec2020

Now it is up to God, apparently, to Protect the Mainland Moose and the Moose Protectors – our government is not about to do so.  UPDATE: N.S. judge issues temporary injunction against forestry protest aimed at protecting mainland moose habitat … Continue reading

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Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

& The NatureNS petition  launched just 2 weeks ago now has 23,716 signees December 4, 2020 Hon. Derek Mombourquette Department of Lands and Forestry 3rd Floor, Founders Square 1701 Hollis St. PO Box 698 Halifax, NS B3J 2T9 Dear Mr. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, L&F, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Nature Nova Scotia on Moose Observations and Forestry in Kespu’ktwik 9Dec2020

Dispatches from Moose Country Day 23

By Nina Newington on The Healthy Forest Coalition Facebook Page. Nov 13, 2020 “Dispatches from the Moose Country Blockade – Day 23 This logging road was expanded and extended into prime moose habitat in order to clearcut and haul out … Continue reading

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Cutting in Moose Habitat

Copied from post by NN on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Facebook (public group) Page Oct 17, 2020: The pale green patches on this map are Crown Land. The grey-green is private land. The blue-green is the … Continue reading

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Moose in the News in Nova Scotia

Leaving aside the Halifax Mooseheads, moose are a pretty regular item in Nova Scotia news. There are two items running currently. One is about the 51st North American Moose Conference which is being held over 5 days (Aug 28 – … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Conservation, Mi'kmaq, Parks & Protected Areas | Leave a comment

What it was all about

Post on Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia, July 7, 2022 What was the Last Hope camp, what did we achieve, and what now? The short version: “Where government is failing to protect the natural world we all rely on, … Continue reading

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A suite of Nova Scotia Forest & Forestry related presentations 16Jun2022

A suite of Youtube videos of presentations related to Nova Scotia’s forests and forestry given at several recent annual meetings has appeared on Youtube recently. They cover a wide range of topics and perspectives. 1. Videos from 2022 Central Woodland … Continue reading

Posted in Natural History, Natural Resources & Renewables, Social Values, Wabanaki Forest | Comments Off on A suite of Nova Scotia Forest & Forestry related presentations 16Jun2022

In the News Jan-May 2022

This page lists news items related to forests and forestry in NS beginning Jan 1, 2022. Sometime during the past year, I started putting all news items on this page –  instead of putting some items on other pages (e.g. … Continue reading

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Nina N on TRR-3

Navigation –Post May 8, 2022 –Nina N on TRR-1 –Nina N on TRR-2 –Nina N on TRR-3 (This Page) Talking Radical Radio Nina Newington (continued) Government inaction: “ it’s up to us to get in the way” But it feels … Continue reading

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Nina N on TRR-2

Navigation –Post May 8, 2022 –Nina N on TRR-1 –Nina N on TRR-2 (This Page) –Nina N on TRR-3 Talking Radical Radio 8:40 Nina Newington (continued) Forests and forestry in Nova Scotia Nova Scotia is a relatively small province it’s also … Continue reading

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