Search Results for: Annapolis

Moving Beyond Lahey: can Nova Scotia participate in a “Global Deal for Nature”? 14Dec2019

In the context of the messages coming from COP25, the Lahey Recommendations are too little and their implementation by L&F far too tardy Today (Sat Dec14, 2019): The COP25 Climate negotiations in Madrid are set to continue today as countries … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Ind Rev Post-Report, Landscape Level Planning, Social Values | Comments Off on Moving Beyond Lahey: can Nova Scotia participate in a “Global Deal for Nature”? 14Dec2019

CTV News on Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in Keji Park, Nova Scotia & social media on moving wood and hemlock nostalgia 14Nov2019

Thanks, CTV & Keji Park,  for an informative video about HWA in NS, especially given the apparent lack of effort by Lands and Forestry and Big Forestry to raise awareness around it “Enjoy them now”, says Maria Panopolis introducing CTV’s … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Pests, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on CTV News on Hemlock Wooly Adelgid in Keji Park, Nova Scotia & social media on moving wood and hemlock nostalgia 14Nov2019

Hemlock Vampire Denial in Nova Scotia 31Oct2019

Perhaps the ghosts of the hemlock wooly adelgid in the form of those dead grey trees could have a benefit, which is to remind ‘adults’  of the costs of denying our real impacts on our natural world and we will … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Climate Change, Pests | Comments Off on Hemlock Vampire Denial in Nova Scotia 31Oct2019

Nova Scotia municipalities lead the way in addressing climate and biodiversity crises, L&F Please follow! 26Sep2019

In this week of global attention to climate change, with the biodiversity crisis usually cited in the same breath, there have been two encouraging developments in NS, both at the municipal level. First, in Annapolis County, which is mostly rural … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, L&F | Comments Off on Nova Scotia municipalities lead the way in addressing climate and biodiversity crises, L&F Please follow! 26Sep2019

News Items

This page provides links to news items related to the Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia following its release on Aug 21, 2018 up to Dec. 8, 2018, at least as I was able to … Continue reading

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Trump & Co. want changes in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act 9Aug2019

As irrational as it is, the stronger the evidence gets that we are in the midst of a human-caused Mass Extinction, the more pressure there is to reduce existing protections of biodiversity Nova Scotia is not the only place where … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Trump & Co. want changes in the Migratory Bird Treaty Act 9Aug2019

More on The Human Toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia: B-trains on rural roads 7Aug2019

An issue raised on Social Media elicits an on-the-ground response within 24 hours It started with a post by Bev Wigney of the Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology Public Facebook Group yesterday, commenting on a member [SES] … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on More on The Human Toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia: B-trains on rural roads 7Aug2019

The human toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia 6Aug2019

“This happened to me this winter. 24/7 and the main traverse up my hill by the cutting machine and the skidder, was a few meters from my bedroom window. “A truck was loaded a short distance away and drove away … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Social Values | Comments Off on The human toll of clearcuts in Nova Scotia 6Aug2019

Scott Leslie on Protection of the Little Brown Bat habitat at the Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest, federal and provincial officials say SAR regulations do not apply 31July2019

So it (still) goes in in Nova Scotia in 2019 Bear River author/naturalist Scott Leslie was interviewed on CBC’s Information Morning NS today about his discovery of the Little Brown Bat at the Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest (view NSFN … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes, Old Growth | Comments Off on Scott Leslie on Protection of the Little Brown Bat habitat at the Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest, federal and provincial officials say SAR regulations do not apply 31July2019

Don Wilson on Biodiversity in and for Nova Scotia 27July2019

Monday, July 29, 2019 is the final date for submitting comments on the proposed Biodiversity Act. Don Wilson shares his perspectives on how forestry can be practiced to protect biodiversity in Nova Scotia. L&F conducted a Biodiversity Act Consultation over … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Climate Change, Conservation, L&F | Comments Off on Don Wilson on Biodiversity in and for Nova Scotia 27July2019