Search Results for: biomass

EAC sponsors screenings of “Burned – Are Trees the New Coal?” across Nova Scotia

UPDATES (Nov 7, 2018): The Dark Side of the Bioeconomy: Climate Catastrophe, Forest Destruction, and Human Rights Abuses Over 115 Organisations from 40 countries hold day of action on Nov 7, 2018 to reject the “BioFuture Platform” . “The exponential … Continue reading

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Biodiverse Southwest Nova Scotia at Risk

Given the Lahey Report & Recommendations, why are we still making harvest decisions on Crown lands based on a narrow spectrum of highly specialized information that few can critique and on a process that has essentially been discredited? UPDATE Jan … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Wildlife | Comments Off on Biodiverse Southwest Nova Scotia at Risk

Climate Warming Warnings: time to be objective about forest bioenergy in Nova Scotia

For a few days, warnings of why we need to act quickly to reduce GHG emissions hold the headlines following the latest report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Oct 8, 2018: Global Warming of 1.5 … Continue reading

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Industrial Forestry working the spreadsheets following L&F directive to reduce clearcutting on Nova Scotia’s Crown lands, while confusion reigns at L&F about the directive

The optics are not good and a sense of deja vu In a CBC post on Sep 17, 2018 – Nova Scotia ‘serious about reducing’ clear cutting: email, Michael Gorman reported that “Work has started behind the scenes in Nova … Continue reading

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Plourde/EAC offer constructive analysis of The Report from the Independent Review and suggest ten things the government should do immediately

Raymond Plourde, Wilderness Coordinator for the Ecology Action Centre has written a lengthy, thoughtful op-ed commenting on the The Report from the Independent Review of Forest Practices in NS. View: OPINION: Lahey forestry report: The good, the bad & the … Continue reading

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Some reservations about The Report on the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia

I have expressed my basic support for the report as a whole, however is not a “free pass” on the whole report. Sooner or later we will have to deal with the reality that two Pulp Mills (perhaps not even … Continue reading

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Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

For the Record, some recent discussions on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (Facebook page) are replicated below. These are verbatim copies except that I have replaced full names with initials, which has been my practice when replicating discussions from WWNS. … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, Private Woodlots, Tree Harvests | Comments Off on Questions and comments on WWNS about sustainability of current wood harvesting in Nova Scotia following Report from the Independent Review

While we wait for the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia, Port Hawkesbury Paper hires ex-DNR forest bioenergy advocate

Government (post yesterday) and industrial forestry interests are hardly waiting for the Report from the Independent Review before going ahead with strategic decisions, it seems. The latest: Former top bureaucrat at DNR lands job at Port Hawkesbury Paper (Aaron Beswick … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Forest Certification, NSDNR, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on While we wait for the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia, Port Hawkesbury Paper hires ex-DNR forest bioenergy advocate

Nova Scotia forests, forestry and GHGs 2: Who accounts for the EU’s emissions from bioenergy generated from imported chips?

For chips from Canada, we do. Sort of. By not specifically addressing Land Use Changes associated with forest bioenergy in GHG accounting, industry and government avoid admitting that many of these schemes are net emitters of GHGs over timeframes  meaningful … Continue reading

Posted in Biomass, Climate Change, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Nova Scotia forests, forestry and GHGs 2: Who accounts for the EU’s emissions from bioenergy generated from imported chips?

Gold Miners encroaching on The Big Animals’ Lands

UPDATE July 30, 2018: Mining industry seeks land swap mechanism Chronicle Herald, July 30, 2018. Like a stuck record… – View DNR response to the same proposal last fall: DNR says no mining access to Nova Scotia’s wilderness areas (Aaron … Continue reading

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