Responses Greens, NDP, Conservatives

Jan 7, 2021:

To leaders of Nova Scotia NDP, Green Party, Conservative Party,

I recently posed this question to the candidates for leadership of the NS Liberal Party:
How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030?

Related background material is given on this post on, a blog/website about forests and forestry in NS that I have been maintaining since June 2016 (it currently has 799 subscribers): A question to the Nova Scotia Liberal Leadership Candidates: How do you plan to align Nova Scotia with the federal Liberal Government’s commitment to 30% Protected Area by 2030? 2Jan 2021

I am posting the responses from the Liberal Candidates:
Liberal Leadership Candidate’s Responses to Question re: 30% Protection for Nova Scotia by 2030 6Jan 2021

Regardless of which party is in power in Ottawa, there would be international expectations for Canada to make these sorts of commitments, as outlined in that post.

I and, I think, readers of would be be very interested in your response to the same question, allowing for a change in government in Ottawa that might not adhere to the same commitments, i.e., where do you/your party stand on how NS should respond to calls for 30% Protected Area by 2030?

I would likewise post any responses on

I look forward to your responses.


David P