Category Archives: Old Growth

Welcome Back: Northern Parula & a welcome sight: Hepatica

The Northern Parula has become a bit of a poster child for birds displaced by clearcutting in Nova Scotia, highlighted by Healthy Forests advocate Donna Crossland: I…walked over a fresh clearcut where the birch once stood. The lake would be … Continue reading

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DNR confirms Loon Lake area cuts included Old Growth

Thanks for your straight talk & persistence, Danny George. UPDATE (May 18, 2018): I located the link to the NSDNR report, courtesy of Tim Bousquet. View ADDENDUM Also: Danny George (forester) and Margaret Miller (Minister of NR) were interviewed on … Continue reading

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Editorials and letters about forestry in the area of Loon Lake, Nova Scotia continued…23 Mar 2018

In the Chronicle Herald today, Nina Newington of Mount Hanley expresses frustration over wood from old growth stands in the Loon lake area being sent to the biomass burner at Port Hawkesbury. Her op-ed begins: Let’s get this straight. Official … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia DNR almost admits serious errors; Port Hawkesbury Paper blames DNR for Loon Lake area cuts of Old Growth

UPDATE Mar 17, 2018: Old-growth burning reignites biomass debate Aaron Bewsick, Chronicle Herald, Mar 17, 2018. With 84% being burnt via the Biomass Burner (73%) or Firewood (11%), PHP, NSP, NSDNR ad even FSC are doing their part to increase … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Forest Certification, Loon Lake, NSDNR, Old Growth | Comments Off on Nova Scotia DNR almost admits serious errors; Port Hawkesbury Paper blames DNR for Loon Lake area cuts of Old Growth

Rick Howe talks to Bob Bancroft about Nova Scotia DNR cutting Old Growth forest

Bob was interviewed by Rick Howe on the Rick Howe Show this a.m., a followup to the controversy surrounding cutting of purported Old Growth forest in the area of Loon Lake, Guysborough Co. (For some background, view archived posts on … Continue reading

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Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

The Old Forest policy does not adequately protect Old Forest This is a lengthy post, so I am providing a clickable Table of Contents. In this post: Background The location of the “Danny George Site” DNR on Information Morning DNR on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Conservation, Forest Certification, Independent Review, Loon Lake, NSDNR, Old Growth, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

Danny George rings the alarm bell (again) on Loon Lake Nova Scotia clearcuts of Old Growth

There is a lot to be explained here, and changed here, as there is just about anywhere that Nova Scotia’s Crown land forests are being harvested. UPDATE Feb 26, 2018: Veteran forester worried we are wasting old growth forest, CBC … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Biophilia, clearcuts, Forest Certification, Independent Review, Loon Lake, Lumber, NSDNR, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Danny George rings the alarm bell (again) on Loon Lake Nova Scotia clearcuts of Old Growth

Nova Scotia forests and forestry are in the news and cameras lenses as the Independent Review moves into Phase 2

About mines, pulp effluent, hemlock vampires, the state of the forest, land protection and the Independent Review deliberations Sometimes my attempt to provide a “record of events, news and opinions on the subject of forests and forestry in Nova Scotia … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Independent Review, Letters&Editorials, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Pests, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Nova Scotia forests and forestry are in the news and cameras lenses as the Independent Review moves into Phase 2

Rare gypsum karst forest in Cape Breton protected by NCC

The Nature Conservancy of Canada announced yesterday that that it has “protected three extraordinary habitats totalling 274 hectares” in Cape Breton. Amongst them is a rare gypsum karst landscape at Cains Mountain, where 162 ha are being protected. NCC’s Craig … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biophilia, Conservation, Old Growth, Parks & Protected Areas, Private Woodlots | Leave a comment

Zack M on Old Growth forest in Nova Scotia

Just a few days back, I made a post about Zack Metcalfe’s walk through clearcut Crown land. His Guide talked about the declines of once common birds inhabiting mature forest, and how forestry on Crown land is removing the last … Continue reading

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