Category Archives: Ind Rev Post-Report

news!!! letter from Iain Rankin about the Corbett-Dalhousie Lake forest!! Jan 11, 2019

The following are verbatim from Bev Wigney, moderator of the Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology public Facebook Page; item posted on that site at about noon today (Fri Jan 11, 2019) NEWS!!! NEWS!!! NEWS!!! JUST RECEIVED THE … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia L&F Minister Rankin again joins discussion on Social Media 9Jan2019, ends it abruptly

Healthy Forest Coalition, Jan 9, 2019: The following took place in just over an hour beginning at approx 6:30 pm; this post made at 7:50 p.m. SH shared a post. Minister Iain Rankin expects Nova Scotians, who care about our … Continue reading

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Global Forest Watch satellite images and PLV maps of Nova Scotia speak volumes

I was forwarded this set of screen captures from Global Forest Watch with a note: Prof Lahey”s third recommendation was: Consistent with the ecological forestry paradigm, the objective of forestry practices in Nova Scotia should be, wherever appropriate, to maintain … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition: The Story of the Corbett Lake Affair and the Erosion of Trust in the Public Process

“Overall this is another example of mismanagement of our natural resources by the Department of Lands and Forestry particularly in the context of the Lahey report which calls for major forestry reform and reform of LAF procedures and policy” From Healthy … Continue reading

Posted in Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, L&F, Landscape Level Planning, NSDNR, Old Growth, Social Media, Social Values, WestFor | Comments Off on Nova Scotia Healthy Forest Coalition: The Story of the Corbett Lake Affair and the Erosion of Trust in the Public Process

Follow-up on The Mistake (Corbett/Dalhousie cut): letter from Annapolis naturalist to Nova Scotia Premier and others

“I ask that all of you give consideration to the future of this forest. Is it really worth destroying one of our exceedingly few remaining “old forests” – a stand of 21.5 hectares – in order to make a few … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Ind Rev Post-Report, Natural History, Social Media, Social Values | Comments Off on Follow-up on The Mistake (Corbett/Dalhousie cut): letter from Annapolis naturalist to Nova Scotia Premier and others

Annapolis Co. Nova Scotia folks investigating more Crown land cuts

Just perhaps, the tide is shifting in Nova Scotia In yet another case of citizens doing the due diligence that is required now that NS Lands and Forestry procedures for approving Crown land forests for harvest have been discredited but … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia L&F Minister Iain Rankin joins social media discussion about further cuts of Old Growth

This is progress of some sort. At least the Minister is communicating more openly with the public than his recent predecessors, so he is hearing from the mice out there and yonder and not only the Big Cats in his … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, NSDNR, Old Growth, Rankin, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F Minister Iain Rankin joins social media discussion about further cuts of Old Growth

Cat and Mouse game continues: more Old Growth on Nova Scotia Crown land found to be on the block

Following the highlighting of a proposed cut on Hardwood Hill (Annapolis Co) by local residents and an eloquent appeal by Randy Fredericks (Post Oct 1, 2018) and activities of the newly formed Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology … Continue reading

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Tax incentives proposed for private woodlot owners in Nova Scotia

L&F has received a proposal and is considering it. Let’s hope the decisions are not made in the back rooms… that a proposal is released and vetted by the public, modified in response, and that the final scheme can be … Continue reading

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The Nova Scotia Government responds to The Lahey Report

The extension of forestry licensing agreements by one year, given what’s going on and Minister’s recent defence of it, is not a good sign. ——— ADDENDUM (Dec 4, 2018) Comments from CBC Report ——— Three documents of 10 pages in … Continue reading

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