Category Archives: Conservation

An optimistic perspective about the future of Nova Scotia forests and forestry from “The Boot”

Geoff offers four reasons to be optimistic “The Boot” as I like to call Geoff LeBoutilier, has had successes and setbacks in his decades long efforts to foster healthy communities and healthy lands in his beloved St. Margaret’s Bay area, and … Continue reading

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Harold Alexander defends Nova Scotia’s Forest Biomass projects, promotes Finnish model

But it is far from clear that Finland has figured it all out In a blistering op-ed a few days ago, somewhat contradicting opinions expressed earlier, Harold Alexander goes after the “steady stream of similarly negative articles and opinions in … Continue reading

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Nature Conservancy of Canada proposes innovative approach to accessing wilderness area: underground parking and elevator

“In September HRM [Halifax Regional Municipality] announced that the tentative agreement for the Urban Wilderness Park on the Purcell’s Cove Backlands would include a parking lot and main entrance. “Since then some questions have been raised about the concept and … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Social Values | Comments Off on Nature Conservancy of Canada proposes innovative approach to accessing wilderness area: underground parking and elevator

Mi’kmawey Forestry seeks locations of Wisqoq (Black Ash) in Nova Scotia

An Ad in the Chronicle Herald, March 24, 2018 highlights efforts the Mi’kmawey Forestry Team is making to re-establish and steward Wisqoq (Black Ash) in Nova Scotia, describes features that distinguish it from White Ash and asks that sightings be … Continue reading

Posted in Conservation, Indigenous Peoples, Mi'kmaq, Natural History | Comments Off on Mi’kmawey Forestry seeks locations of Wisqoq (Black Ash) in Nova Scotia

Port Hawkesbury Paper responds to concerns about harvesting in the Loon Lake area

I received today PHP’s public response to concerns about harvesting in the Loon Lake area. It is provided below as received (except that the PDF text is converted to WordPress text). We (the public) and PHP (as cited below) are … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Conservation, Forest Certification, hardwoods, herbicides, Loon Lake, Parks & Protected Areas, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Port Hawkesbury Paper responds to concerns about harvesting in the Loon Lake area

Anti-Clearcut Billboards go up in Halifax

The Margaree Environmental Association is “Keepin’ on” UPDATE, Mar 3, 2018: Environmental group calls for end to clearcutting, billboards focus on bird nest destruction Stuart peddle in the Chronicle Herald, Apr 2, 2018. ——————————————– UPDATE Mar 13, 2018: On Rick … Continue reading

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Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

The Old Forest policy does not adequately protect Old Forest This is a lengthy post, so I am providing a clickable Table of Contents. In this post: Background The location of the “Danny George Site” DNR on Information Morning DNR on … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, Biomass, Conservation, Forest Certification, Independent Review, Loon Lake, NSDNR, Old Growth, Show Us the Science | Comments Off on Loon Lake area harvests: DNR seeks shelter in its Old Forest Policy

Presentation/workshop on Landbird Species-at-Risk also at Annapolis Royal on March 5 and Sydney on March 7

As previously announced, the Pictou Co Naturalist’s Club is hosting this presentation/workshop: The Pictou Co Naturalists will be hosting Dr. Cindy Staicer from Dalhousie University Tues Mar 6, 6:30 pm at the New Glasgow Library, 182 Dalhousie St., New Glascow. … Continue reading

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Presentation/workshop on Landbird Species-at-Risk, Pictou March 6, 2018

From a post by Ken McKenna of the Pictou Co Naturalist’s Club on the NtureNS listserv: The Pictou Co Naturalists will be hosting Dr. Cindy Staicer from Dalhousie University Tues Mar 6, 6:30 pm at the New Glasgow Library, 182 … Continue reading

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Ho Hum, more cutting near Nature Reserve in SW Nova Scotia

It happens so often, it’s hardly breaking news, but it is worth noting. The latest DNR notification (Feb 23, 2018) of newly proposed Crown land harvests are for clearcuts on 457 ha, partial cuts on 39 ha distributed over 4 … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Conservation, Parks & Protected Areas | Comments Off on Ho Hum, more cutting near Nature Reserve in SW Nova Scotia