Category Archives: clearcuts

Reposting: Readings from Maine: Mitch Lansky on managing forests to increase carbon capture and reduce carbon emissions

The movie Burned is getting a lot of attention these days in Nova Scotia, as it is shown in communities around the province. As a constructive contribution towards the discussions that follow, it seemed appropriate to repost this item, originally … Continue reading

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Two videos on Social Media say a lot about how people and wildlife feel about loss of natural habitat in Nova Scotia

& Can people be forgiven for confusing clearcutting and deforestation? #1 About deforestation in progress in Halifax The Halifax Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP), a lot of it developed in collaboration with Prof Peter Duinker & Co. at Dalhousie University … Continue reading

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Spicer Family Woodlot – if all harvested private and Crown woodland were like that, we wouldn’t be concerned about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

They could get a lot more $ if they clearcut – in the short term Peter Spicer, owner of Seven Gulches Forest Products in Spencer’s Island and winner of the Nova Scotia Woodland Owner of the Year Award in 2017, … Continue reading

Posted in Biophilia, clearcuts, Private Woodlots, Pulp & Paper | Comments Off on Spicer Family Woodlot – if all harvested private and Crown woodland were like that, we wouldn’t be concerned about clearcutting in Nova Scotia

Global Forest Watch satellite images and PLV maps of Nova Scotia speak volumes

I was forwarded this set of screen captures from Global Forest Watch with a note: Prof Lahey”s third recommendation was: Consistent with the ecological forestry paradigm, the objective of forestry practices in Nova Scotia should be, wherever appropriate, to maintain … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review | Comments Off on Global Forest Watch satellite images and PLV maps of Nova Scotia speak volumes

Ongoing discussion on social media about forests and forestry in Nova Scotia # 2: about harvesting on very short rotations

Danny George and others again raising alarms on Social Media, this time not about harvesting Old Growth but about harvesting very young trees. Will anyone listen this time around? Like WestFor’s harvesting, the bad news about forestry in Nova Scotia … Continue reading

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Reposting: Planning ahead for Industrial forestry in Nova Scotia – allowing bigger trucks on our roads

deja vu, paving the roads for industrial forestry in Nova Scotia After reading Province reduces regulatory burden for truck and forestry industries by Danielle McCreadie in Halifax Today (Jan 2, 2019) subtitle: “Road reclassifications to allow efficient truck axle configurations … Continue reading

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FYI: Nova Scotia L&F/WestFor Agreement FOIPOPed

Back on Oct 4, I asked While we wait for the government to respond to the Independent Review, what agreement is in place with WestFor? I got the answer from a Nov 5 CBC interview: CBC interviews reveal WestFor got … Continue reading

Posted in clearcuts, L&F, Pulp & Paper, Social Media, softwood lumber, WestFor | Comments Off on FYI: Nova Scotia L&F/WestFor Agreement FOIPOPed

More clearcutting proposed near Protected Area, Guysborough Co.

Thanks, Shelly Hipson, for not letting this one go by unnoticed. Shelly Hipson, writing on Stop Spraying & Clear-Cutting In Nova Scotia (Facebook Public Group), has raised the alarm about massive clearcuts near the Ogden Round Lake Wilderness Area in … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia L&F Minister Iain Rankin joins social media discussion about further cuts of Old Growth

This is progress of some sort. At least the Minister is communicating more openly with the public than his recent predecessors, so he is hearing from the mice out there and yonder and not only the Big Cats in his … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, L&F, NSDNR, Old Growth, Rankin, Social Media | Comments Off on Nova Scotia L&F Minister Iain Rankin joins social media discussion about further cuts of Old Growth

The Nova Scotia Government responds to The Lahey Report

The extension of forestry licensing agreements by one year, given what’s going on and Minister’s recent defence of it, is not a good sign. ——— ADDENDUM (Dec 4, 2018) Comments from CBC Report ——— Three documents of 10 pages in … Continue reading

Posted in Acadian Forest, clearcuts, Ind Rev Post-Report, Independent Review, NSDNR | Comments Off on The Nova Scotia Government responds to The Lahey Report