Category Archives: clearcuts

Bruce MacInnon on Clearcuts

CH award-winning editorial cartoonist Bruce MacInnon depicts the Premier giving Nova Scotia forests a haircut, this following the comments by Donna Crossland reported in the CH earlier in the week. View Cartoon. It wasn’t the first MacInnon editorial cartoon related … Continue reading

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Goal to reduce clear-cutting, whole-tree harvesting abandoned: author

So reads the title of a front page article in the Sept 1 print version of the CH following an interview with Donna Crossland. She was a co-author, with Bob Bancroft, of Restoring the Health of Nova Scotia’s Forests, a … Continue reading

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Dubious claim: forest harvests in Nova Scotia are aligned with nature-based requirements

“We have now developed tools that ensure that all harvest treatments are aligned with the nature-based requirements of Nova Scotia’s lands.” – Statement under Goal 13 in the Five-year Progress Report on the 2011-2020 Natural Resources Strategy released Aug 16, … Continue reading

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Woodland spraying on hold, for now

“Northern Pulp applied to government for permits to spray more than 1,300 hectares of woodlands in Colchester and Halifax counties. The aerial and ground herbicidal spray program was tentatively scheduled to begin on Thursday but the Environment Department hasn’t granted … Continue reading

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Member of Steering Panel for Natural Resources Strategy questions government’s commitment

“A member of an expert panel struck to assess how Nova Scotia’s Department of Natural Resources was managing the province’s forests, minerals, parks and biodiversity says the provincial government is not honouring its commitments to those resources… I think the … Continue reading

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Clearcut proposed near Keji

“Environmentalists are concerned about a proposed clear cut near the southeast border of Nova Scotia’s Kejimkujik National Park that comes close to a habitat for endangered turtles.” View CBC report | Annapolis Co. Spectator

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Glyphosate battles

In both Nova Scotia and New Brunswick concerns about spraying clearcuts with glyphosate herbicide have hit the news recently. Nova Scotia musician Dave Gunning is calling for the government to ban use of glyphosate because of its possible carcinogenic effects … Continue reading

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