Category Archives: Biomass

Burned, the Movie, igniting some passions in Nova Scotia

Bev Wigney wrote the following after viewing a showing of Burned: Are Trees The New Coal? on Sun Nov 18, 7:00 p.m., at the United Church, Annapolis Royal: REVIEW and SUMMARY of “Burned: Are Trees The New Coal?” For those … Continue reading

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EAC sponsors screenings of “Burned – Are Trees the New Coal?” across Nova Scotia

UPDATES (Nov 7, 2018): The Dark Side of the Bioeconomy: Climate Catastrophe, Forest Destruction, and Human Rights Abuses Over 115 Organisations from 40 countries hold day of action on Nov 7, 2018 to reject the “BioFuture Platform” . “The exponential … Continue reading

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Climate Warming Warnings: time to be objective about forest bioenergy in Nova Scotia

For a few days, warnings of why we need to act quickly to reduce GHG emissions hold the headlines following the latest report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Oct 8, 2018: Global Warming of 1.5 … Continue reading

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Forest management group proposal for biomass heating provides an opportunity for Nova Scotia government to “get it right” on forest bioenergy

Minor edits made Sep 27 a.m. Can the Nova Scotia Government  set climate- and ecologically-smart standards for forest bioenergy? In a half page colour ad on page A12 of last Saturday’s (Sep 22, 2018) Chronicle Herald, North Nova Forest Owners … Continue reading

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While we wait for the Independent Review of Forest Practices in Nova Scotia, Port Hawkesbury Paper hires ex-DNR forest bioenergy advocate

Government (post yesterday) and industrial forestry interests are hardly waiting for the Report from the Independent Review before going ahead with strategic decisions, it seems. The latest: Former top bureaucrat at DNR lands job at Port Hawkesbury Paper (Aaron Beswick … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia forests, forestry and GHGs 2: Who accounts for the EU’s emissions from bioenergy generated from imported chips?

For chips from Canada, we do. Sort of. By not specifically addressing Land Use Changes associated with forest bioenergy in GHG accounting, industry and government avoid admitting that many of these schemes are net emitters of GHGs over timeframes  meaningful … Continue reading

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More NSDNR research on Nova Scotia forest soils published in science journals but not publicized by NSDNR

And we continue to harvest intensively on landscapes with some of the poorest soils in North America, and NSDNR continues to be mum on the whole topic. NSDNR’s soil scientist Kevin Keys continues to publish the results of his research … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia DNR, Port Hawkesbury Paper, Premier McNeil: please help us with the math/accounting

A lengthy back and forth discussion on Woods and Waters Nova Scotia (WWNS) followed a post on WWNS about an article in the Chronicle Herald – Mill’s deal with province raises concern (Aaron Beswick for Chronicle Herald, May 25, 2018). … Continue reading

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Nova Scotia math: FOIPOP reveals PHP pays $3.1 million in stumpage fees, gets $4.4 million for silviculture

Government, industry won’t to release stats on returns from Crown Land harvests; similarly mum on composition of feedstocks for the PHP biomass boiler Bob Bancroft has often said that in Nova Scotia we get next to nothing from Port Hawkesbury … Continue reading

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Allan Eddy retains interests in biomass

Updated May 12, 2018 Biofuels have their flag wavers firmly embedded in government Somehow or another I happened upon Senior Official’s Travel Expenses – Apr 1, 2017 to Mar 31, 2018 as at Apr 19, 2018, and noted that Allan Eddy … Continue reading

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