Liberal MLA asks for review of Nova Scotia forest practices

MLA Joachim Stroink (Halifax Chebucto) posted a letter he wrote to Nova Scotia Natural Resources Minister Lloyd Hines:

….I have heard from my constituents about the importance of protecting our forests. They have specific concerns about the sustainability of our forests and what can be done to ensure that our decisions are informed by the best available science.

Minister, to that end, I would ask the department to review our forest management practices with the goal of ensuring that we are striking the right balance for Nova Scotia’s forests.

Minister, I know you share my commitment to a healthy and sustainable forest. I believe this review will lead to an even healthier forest and a stronger Nova Scotia.”

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Stroink, owner of The Trail Shop (Nova Scotia’s oldest independent outdoor retailer), definitely appreciates the life-giving qualities of our forests.

Thanks, MLA Stroink!

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