Startup group interested in funding and managing a Community Forestry Hub in Cape Breton

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A reader of this blog forwarded the following announcement:

Are you interested in the sustainability of our forests and rural communities?

A group, interested in helping to address both the health of our forests and the issue of how to grow locally owned value-added forestry enterprises, is hosting a public meeting at the Middle River Community Hall on Saturday, January 20th at 10am with a snow date of the following Saturday January 27th same time and location.

Two significant hurdles for any forestry business is a consistent supply and the investment in necessary equipment. The former Finewood Flooring and Lumber facility, located in Middle River, could be an ideal location for a demonstration wood enterprise hub, offering a platform for wood sorting, shared equipment and manufacturing space. A collectively owned hub, such as this, would significantly reduce the start-up cost and risk, and would be a significant attraction for new businesses.

The meeting will include a site tour of the Finewood Flooring facility and an opportunity to share ideas, questions around the idea of piloting a forestry HUB.

Please plan to attend this initial meeting, and feel free to share this invitation with any friends or neighbors you think may also be interested.

An encouraging initiative indeed.

Thanks to CC

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