Guest Post by Minga O’Brien
Tree marking is an integral step in partial harvesting systems geared towards managing for quality timber products, and healthy forest habitats.

Nova Scotia Tree Marking Course: Marking for Selection Harvest at Medway Community Forest.
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From June 4-7, 2024, it was my pleasure to be an instructor for a tree marking course offered by Nova Scotia Community College’s Centre of Forest Innovation. Accommodation and morning classes took place at NSCC’s College of Geographic Sciences in Lawrencetown, and field sites were situated on Crown lands licensed to the Medway Community Forest Co-op. There were 14 participants and 7 instructors, 2 of whom (Al Stinson-from the Canadian Institute of Forestry and Martin Streit – from Forests Ontario) traveled from Ontario to lead what many hope to be the first of many tree marking courses in Nova Scotia.