Application of EA or EA type of process to FULAs (Forest Utilization License Agreement) was seen by Prof Lahey as a critical “to bring transparency and accountability to the [planning] process and to mitigate the concerns about how DNR internally manages its competing responsibilities”. Yet, there has been no mention of an EA or equivalent process in NRRs recent announcement that its FULA with Port Hawkesbery Paper has now been extended to 2043. I asked Prof. Peter Duinker, the chief architect of the EA process, “What happened to the EA?”. Evidently he has the same question.

Can an EA type process for forestry on Crown lands in NS as recommended by Lahey ensure that planning for biodiversity conservation takes place on a landscape level scale and put to rest public concern about Crown land forestry practices? Clearly it can’t if it’s not conducted!
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I saw the NRR Press release Port Hawkesbury Paper Agreements Extended, Renewed (NRR Feb 8, 2023) and wondered immediately what happened to the EA (Environmental Assessment) process that I understood from the Lahey Report was supposed to apply to such agreements in future.
I figured a person who would know and might answer my question would be Dalhousie University Emeritus Professor Peter Duinker. Prof. Duinker proposed the EA process when he served as an Expert Advisor to Independent Review of Forestry Practices (see Addendum to Lahey Report, pages 99-100), clear recommendations were made to implement such a process in the Lahey Report, an Environmental Assessment project team was formed within L&F to move it all ahead and finally Prof Duinker served as a member of the consulting team contracted to develop the process.
To my surprise, Prof Duinker has the same question – I received this response shortly after I wrote to him: READ MORE ON