Global Forest Watch satellite images and PLV maps of Nova Scotia speak volumes

I was forwarded this set of screen captures from Global Forest Watch with a note:

Prof Lahey”s third recommendation was:

Consistent with the ecological forestry paradigm, the objective of forestry practices in Nova Scotia should be, wherever appropriate, to maintain or restore multi‐aged and mixed‐species forests in which late‐successional species have the opportunity to grow and mature where they represent the forest’s natural condition. Practices that do otherwise in those forests should be curtailed.

The images below, showing canopy loss 2001-2017 illustrate why the recommendation is appropriate. Well over 95% of the loss of forest cover is associated with clearcutting.

For the flip-side of these images, to see where significant old forest remains, see Biodiverse Southwest Nova Scotia at Risk (Post, Oct 29, 2018), noting in particular the image with the legend: “Distribution of forest in 5 development stages across Nova Scotia..” (From Provincial Landscape Viewer, PLV)


Annapolis Co 2001-2017

Cape Breton Highlands -2001-2017

Central N -2- 2001-2017

Eastern NS 2001-2017

Western NS 2001-2017

Eastern Cape Breton 2001 -2017

Queens-Shelburne 2001-2017

St Marg Bay Halifax Co. 2001- 2017

Kings and Hants 2001-2017

Northern NS 2001-2017.

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