One response to MANS: Rally For Kluscap Dec 16th, 2017 – scroll to the bottom of this post for more details.
Are all protected areas ecologically unique? So asks MANS presenting a host of photos of clearcuts in protected areas as evidence that protected areas ar not special and should be opened up for mining.
Their photo evidence is quite a study in mis-representation. The GPS coordinates for the photos are not given. For those that could genuinely be in a Protected Area or Nature Reserve, the cuts would have been made before the area was formally designated; they are not continuing. Some are power line cuts.
I was quite perturbed a few years back to view large swaths of recent clearcuts in lands designated for the Raven Head Protected Area. Protected Areas’ explanation: “[In order] to negotiate a price within the province’s budget, Wagner Forestry [was] allowed to harvest about one quarter of the Apple Head area”.
So it is in Nova Scotia. I don’t like it any more than MANS (but for different reasons). I do, admittedly begrudgingly, accept the rationale offered in the CBC story about the Joggins cut (MANS copied their pic):

Even in Protected Areas: Clearcut in lands designated for the Raven Head Protected Area, viewed in 2011
Click on photo for larger version.
Peter Labor, director of protected areas and ecosystems with the Nova Scotia Department of Environment, said the province was unable to prevent the clear cutting because the land was privately owned. He said the land will take approximately 50 years to return to its natural state.
“When we protect areas, we look at restoration opportunities as well as their intact natural values,” he said.
With the amount of clearcutting on unprotected land in Nova Scotia, there is some likelihood that any piece of land that is being considered for protection has been clearcut within the last 30 years.
Perhaps MANS should reflect on how Northern Pulp’s aggressive PR moves to suppress, distract from, discredit The Mill failed so abysmally.
More on Kluscap Rally
Rally against mega-quarry on Kluscap (Kelly’s) Mountain, mining in protected areas
There will be a rally of support for protection of Kluscap (Kelly’s) Mountain in Cape Breton & Protected Areas in Nova Scotia general THIS SATURDAY [Dec 16, 2017] at noon, protesting against the attack from the NS Mining Association who want to build a giant quarry on Kluscap Mountain similar to the one at the Canso Causeway to Cape Breton (Porcupine Mountain). Storm date in the event of bad weather on Saturday is same time the next day – Noon on Sunday December 17th.
We will be gathering just off the Trans-Canada Highway at the junction with the Kempt Head Road, just before the Seal Island Bridge on Boularderie Island. Everyone from across the province is encouraged to come and show their support for this Mi’kmaq sacred site and for Nova Scotia’s protected natural areas.
Note: Kluscap or Kelly’s Mountain is the big hill drivers ascend & descend just before the Seal Island bridge in Cape Breton on the way to Sydney or vise-versa if heading to the mainland from Sydney. The plan is to walk across the Seal Island Bridge to Kluscap Mountain. The event will be led by members of Grandmothers and Elders of the Mi’kmaq Nation and will be supported by citizens from across the province. Please come and show your support.Location on Google Maps: http://bit.ly/2ARiz1e
Background info:
Between a rock and a sacred place on Kellys Mountain
COMMENTARY: Save protected areas from mining
Thx to CM for directing me to MANS clearcut story.
Thx to RP for info about the rally.