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Landbird SAR in Forested Wetlands
As previously announced, the Pictou Co Naturalist’s Club is hosting this presentation/workshop:
The Pictou Co Naturalists will be hosting Dr. Cindy Staicer from Dalhousie University Tues Mar 6, 6:30 pm at the New Glasgow Library, 182 Dalhousie St., New Glascow.
Dr. Staicer will lead a presentation/workshop on Landbird Species at Risk in Forested Wetlands.
Dr. Staicer just informed me that the presentation is also being given:
Monday March 5 at Annapolis Royal
at St. Luke’s Church Hall, 340 St. George St, 7-9 PMWednesday March 7 at Sydney
at the McConnell Library Library, 50 Falmouth St, 7-9 PM
Anyone interested in attending should email landbirdSAR@merseytobeatic.ca so we can anticipate attendance and notify people in case of weather cancellations.
Dr. Staicer is professor of biology at Dalhousie U. and focuses her research in behaviour and ecology of forest birds in natural and managed forest ecosystems. Her current research, the topic of this presentation, concerns three species at risk that inhabit forested wetlands in our area- the Canada Warbler, Rusty Blackbird and Olive-sided Flycatcher. The goal of her research is to identify important breeding areas for these species, and to engage the public in stewardship of high quality habitat.
The workshop will introduce the project, summarize what is known about these birds and their habitats, provide identification tips, describe the different ways volunteers can participate in field surveys and submit sightings and discuss other ways that people can contribute to the recovery of these species.
This is a great chance to learn the value of wetlands in our forests and how these special species need and use these habitats during spring and summer. These species have had alarming declines in population in last couple decades. Two of these species over-winter in northern South America so the stories on their life cycles are fascinating. Please mark the date on your calendar and come on out and learn how you can be a help in contributing to the research. Everyone welcome and bring along a friend.
Admission is free but registration is required (this will allow us to communicate weather cancelations). To register or if you have questions, please contact us. Contact: LandbirdSAR@MerseyTobeatic.ca or to learn more go to http://landbirdsar.merseytobeatic.ca/
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