Bob Bancroft talking about cavity dwellers in a presentation to the Friends of Redtail Society in 2013
Here are a few of the archived articles:
Otter in the Water
There’s no reason to panic if you see a torpedo shape charging across the pond-unless you’re a pond inhabitant.
In Awe of Eagles
Eagles have the advantage of size but they’re also smart, using opportunity and experience to survive northern winters
The elusive eastern cougar
We now acknowledge they exist in NB… but in NS we’re positively non-committal.
Turning kids into nature
Young Naturalists Clubs helping to plant seeds of curiosity in the outdoor world
Taking Stock
How are our wildlife species holding up against an onslaught of habitat degradation?
A Different Drummer
Chicken-shaped and weighing less than a kilogram (about a pound and a half), ruffed grouse have handsome feathers patterned with brown, black and buff..
Track Tales
Learning about animal tracks and the stories that wild animals leave behind is a fascinating aspect of my biological work.
Twists in an Old Tale
Relative newcomers to the region—with habitat changes in North America, such as land clearing, prairie coyotes expanded their range. They arrived in Atlantic Canada in the 1970s.
A Bird’s Eye View
Bird behaviour to watch in a habitat near you, as daylight lingers longer.
Eastern Chipmunks
It’s hard to resist or miss these satchel mouthed songsters.
The Long Sleep
Canada’s severe winters pose a particular challenge to wild creatures with no choice but to adapt or die
Digging In
Wildlife Readying for Winter
One Red Rabbit
The true tale of a rare, tangerine hued hare that hopped in and out of our lives.
The Swift Sharpie
People are sometimes shocked to witness real-life wilderness action in their backyard. Birdfeeders attract winter flocks of small birds such as sparrows, juncos and finches; they also draw predators, including hawks, which prey upon small birds.
The Early Birds
Robins may well herald spring, but they get the worm all summer long.
Fighting Nature with Nature
Attracting dragonflies and damselflies, bats and birds – keeping buggy neighbours at bay.
The Water Cooler
We built a pond to attract the neighbours… would they come, congregate, stay awhile?
A Fondness for Ponds
Would our neighbours adopt their new watering hole? A two-year update on the wild events in our front 40.
Night Gliders
lying squirrels don’t actually fly, but they may be responsible for some of those things that go “bump” in the night
Clearcutting & wildlife don’t mix
Wildlife and their habitats are seriously disturbed by this practice