Photo shared on Facebook public groups by N.N. “Lands on the North Mountain scheduled for aerial herbicide spraying have been occupied by a group of neighboring woodlot owners and local residents who are determined to prevent the spraying. The group has erected tents and intend to stay on the land until they receive assurances that the spraying will not take place. They feel that they must take a strong stand to protect their brooks and groundwater.”
UPDATE Sep 10, 2020: Council urges halt to forestry chemical spray program in Annapolis County
By Lawrence Powell For Annapolis County
UPDATE Sep 7, 2020: Cape Breton Environment Group calls for Herbicide Ban on Mainland NS forests – like we have in Cape Breton since 20 years
UPDATE Sep 3, 2020: Protesters win local battle against herbicide spraying, want forestry practice banned by Paul Palmeter for CBC News Sep 3, 2020. “They started out as a few families from Burlington, N.S., opposed to woods in their area of the Annapolis Valley being sprayed by herbicide, but within a few days they gathered support from all over the province.”
UPDATE Sep 2, 2020: “GOOD NEWS! We are grateful to the company that decided not to move forward with spraying glyphosate on his land in North Mountain. {{{thank you}}} – Nature thanks you. The group still plans to meet… as it was not government who made this decision – they would still like to spray us.Together we want to tell government to stop spraying our forests with glyphosate.” Posted on People for Ecological Forestry in Southwest Nova Scotia, approx 10 pm, Sep 2, 2020.

From Video posted on Stop Spraying & Clear-Cutting Nova Scotia (Public Facebook group) by Travis McLeod – “Here is the video I took that had the CBC reach out to me”
Also: Outdoorsman shocked by glyphosate treated forest (archived audio file)
Interview on CBC Info AM Sep 2, 2020 “.. a wasted zone between two vibrant green areas, without songbirds, without small mammals…”
Occupy North Mountain, Joan Baxter Sep 1, 2020 in the Halifax Examiner
Like the issue of nesting birds and logging which predictably ignites as we approach and during nesting season, public concerns about spraying of forests with herbicide predictably arise when the spraying is announced and then occurs, in the late summer/fall.
This year the protests have gone up a notch, with protestors occupying a site scheduled for spraying, they say “until they receive assurances that the spraying will not take place”.
A related Facebook Events page has been set up asking people to show their support 4-6pm tomorrow (Thursday Sep 2, 2020) in the community of Burlington, near Berwick. From that page:
This is an action to demonstrate our opposition to the planned spraying of a large area of clear-cut land south of McNally Road.
We are planning a respectful and peaceful nonviolent protest. We need a great turnout to show that we have the support of our community!We are demanding an end to aerial spraying of herbicides, especially glyphosate, and our immediate goal is to prevent the spraying of this land and the poisoning of our water. The larger aim is to promote healthy forests for present and future Nova Scotians.
It would be nice to see an end to such protests…for the right reasons (too many to list – but if the toxicity aspects don’t count, try ‘why should we be encouraging balsam and spruce in an era of climate warming’ in the first place ). I would also be OK with lawsuits.
– Kings County residents opposed to aerial herbicide spraying on a Northern Pulp clearcut
By Joan Baxter in The Halifax Examiner Sep 1, 2020 “Residents who live close to a piece of land on North Mountain in Kings County that was clearcut two years ago and is now slated for aerial spraying of a glyphosate-based herbicide, have “occupied” the site, and they tell the Halifax Examiner that they don’t intend to leave until the spraying is cancelled or the permit expires at the end of 2020.”
– New Brunswick party leaders promise action to stop use of industrial herbicide
By Kevin Bissett The Canadian Press in Ottawa Matters Sep 1, 2020. “The Liberals and Greens promised to eliminate the use of industrial herbicide on public land across the province Monday, as New Brunswick’s election campaign entered its final two weeks.”
– Sept. 3 protest in Burlington to oppose aerial herbicide spraying on North Mountain
Ashley Thompson in saltwire.com, Sep 2, 2020. Subscription may be required. Includes videoed interview with Don Osborn. He especially highlights concerns about possible effects of clearcutting on the local hydrology and water quality.
– Roundup Maker to Pay $10 Billion to Settle Cancer Suits
By Patricia Cohen in the NY Times, June 24, 2020 “Bayer faced tens of thousands of claims linking the weedkiller to cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Some of the money is set aside for future cases.”
– Lack of Info about locations, times of forest management herbicide spraying on Nova Scotia Environment website
Post on NSFN August 3, 2018
– Margaret Miller on Glyphosate: I am glad she is talking to Chief Gloade
Post on NSFN September 16, 2016
– Glyphosate battles
Post on NSFN August 7, 2016
– The Great Glyphosate Debate
by Dave Mance III, In Northern Woodlands, 2012. Good review of why and how it is used, effects.
– Conifer Susceptibility to Glyphosate in Nova Scotia
1989 NS Lands and Forests research report established the best time for spraying (approx Aug through to mid Sept)
– Concerns over use of glyphosate-based herbicides and risks associated with exposures: a consensus statement
John Peterson Myers et al., in Environmental Health 15, 19 (2016) “This Statement of Concern is directed to scientists, physicians, and regulatory officials around the world. We highlight changes in the scope and magnitude of risks to humans and the environment stemming from applications of glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs).”
Page on forestinfo.ca
In Canada… the total area treated [each year] may be closer to 150,000 ha per year. The typical use rate for glyphosate-based herbicides in conifer release programs is 1.9 kg of active ingredient/ha…Most areas that are planted to conifer trees, and many naturally regenerating areas targeted for conifer dominance will require some degree of tending to maintain conifer dominance and promote adequate growth. As such, as many as 444,000 ha require tending each growing season in Canada. Provinces such as Ontario and New Brunswick apply herbicides to about as much area as they plant, relying on alternative methods to tend additional area. In contrast, a provincial restriction on herbicide use in Crown forests was invoked in the province of Quebec in 2001… forcing virtually all tending there to be done without herbicides.
– Canada Roundup Glyphosate Cancer Class Action Lawsuit Investigation
ON ca.topclassactions.com/ Aug 28, 2020
– Cape Breton Environment Group calls for Herbicide Ban on Mainland NS forests – like we have in Cape Breton since 20 years
MARGAREE ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATION, Media Release: September 6, 2020 View MEA to Min Of Environment re spraying 09-20
Summary The aerial spraying of glyphosate on our forests is totally unnecessary. Beginning in the 1990’s, the experience of Stora Forest Industries, then Newpage, and now Port Hawkesbury Paper, all of which have banned the use of herbicides, has been positive, and demonstrates that herbicide spraying is not needed. In addition, the rejection of herbicide treatments has enabled Stora, Newpage, and PHP to acquire Forest Stewardship Council certification of best practices, which has given them access to more lucrative markets worldwide. More and more businesses are demanding such certification, as a demonstration of commitment to a healthy environment.
The people of Nova Scotia have shown repeatedly over the past 40 years that we do not want herbicides sprayed on our forests, and it is time that our provincial government listens to the people, complies with the independent studies, and bans the use of chemical herbicides in forestry. Such a ban is overdue. In light of all of the above, the Margaree Environmental Association demands that you withdraw your approval of herbicide spray permits on 1,498 hectares of woodland, and initiate the policy of banning herbicide use on forests in the future.