Second Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Maritimes Provinces “This Atlas is the single most comprehensive, up-to-date information source on the status of Maritimes breeding birds. More than 260,000 records of 222 species are included in the database, including more than 8,700 records of 17 species at risk. Produced as a beautifully-illustrated hard-cover book, the Atlas is complemented by a comprehensive website where maps, results and much else are accessible online.”
UPDATE May 31, 2020:
Healthy Forest Coalition launches initiative calling for the upholding of the international laws of the Migratory Birds Convention Act.
Healthy Forest Coalition. Also view For the Birds (on HFC Facebook Page)
UPDATE May 29, 2020:
Bev Wigney on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Page) May 29, 2020. Bev Wigney asks people to write MLAs. View her post here if you do not have access to Facebook
It’s one more year since naturalists raised alarms about logging during nesting season in Nova Scotia, one more year since the Lahey Report was submitted (Aug 2018), one more year since Lands & Forestry posted their initial response to the Lahey report (Dec 3, 2018; not counting their false start earlier), one more year while we await the full response and one more year of harvesting on Crown land going on as usual, even with closure of The Mill and with the economic downturn associated with Covid-19; and it’s 10 years since the Natural Resources Strategy was tabled and the government promised fundamantal change in forestry practices in NS.
Bev Wigney of the Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology (Public Facebook Group), one of those raising those raising the alarms in 2019, again brings the topic up on Annapolis Royal & Area – Environment & Ecology in relation to the current rash of forest fires, some of them started by logging activities.
Says BW in a post on May 26, 2020 directed to Minister of Lands & Forestry Iain Rankin:
We now know that the Springfield fire was started by malfunctioning logging equipment…Our VFDs [Volunteer Fire Departments] have been busy responding to 7 wildfires in just 2 or 3 days. This is really not right that VFDs are having to do wildfire fighting — especially if it is being caused by logging activities. It’s time to get the loggers OUT of the forests — right away — before any of our VFD people are injured or worse.
This is a GOOD TIME to do so as the migratory bird nesting season is in full swing and there shouldn’t be anyone cutting down forest right now anyhow. This is Silent Season for any of the more reputable logging operations who actually care about wildlife. Will you do the right thing and shut down forestry until such time as it is actually appropriate for work to be carried out?
Thx BW. A legislated Silent Season is long overdue.
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