Use of a mini-forwarder allows a “more gentle touch” on a privately owned woodlot in central NS, Conform Limited/NSWOOA Field Day, Oct 6, 2018.
“The Family Forest Network is a collaboration among 11 charitable, non-profit and co-operative organizations that seek to promote ecologically sensitive forest management on small, privately owned woodlands in Nova Scotia. The partners will conduct a five-year, $10.6 million project that aims to:
– Develop a steward‐led network to address the key challenges of implementing ecologically sensitive forest practices;
– Create a large‐scale pilot of approximately 192 harvests and 80 timber stand improvement treatments province-wide, to quantify and promote the benefits of innovation in forest management through the adoption of ecological forestry; and
– Extend the reach of ecological forestry on family forestlands through integrated solutions and strategic partnerships.
“The network is currently filling several key positions, including supervising forest professional and network manager. The positions will report to the executive director of the Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association, which is sponsoring the project.”
View more on NSWOOA website.
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