View related page: Nova Scotia Old Growth Ground Zero
MAPS prepared using NS Landscape Map Viewer July 12-17, 2019
Also view Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Forest – Screen captures of various layers in the NS Landscape Map Viewer (Dec 28, 2018)
Click on images for larger versions

Map shows the Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Peninsula, Crown land parcels approved for logging on the peninsula
Related to the Map above:
Map shows the Corbett-Dalhousie Lakes Peninsula, Crown land parcels approved for logging on the peninsula (approximate representation; some harvesting has already taken place, location of the canoe route between the two lakes; and the BCS (Bloody Creek Structure). The northwest block (AP-068637-B) is the area of Old Growth described by Scott Leslie; it is mostly Multi-aged-Old Forest by DNR classification (see next map below), however it apparently does not meet their criteria for Old Growth even though it includes trees 130 years old and older. Annapolis County Council asked the province to allow the county to manage the whole peninsula as a “a climate forest and [to] demonstrate that a new economic model based on ecological forestry management can increase local jobs, community recreation, and tourism”. The request was turned down. Subsequently, logging was put on hold while the province investigates reports of several Species at Risk in the area (Chimney Swifts, Blandings Turtle and now Little Brown Bat). AP-068637-B and AP068637D were originally proposed as clearcuts in 2014; they were approved as partial cuts in 2018, and logging began the same year. These two blocks were reposted by L&F on the HPMV for comment in December 2018, apparently by mistake; that alerted the local community of the cuts, an area they/the county valued for recreation. canoeing in particular. Followup investigation in the spring and early summer revealed Species at Risk and that trees over 130 years old had been cut.

The C-D peninsula was entirely mature and multi-aged/Old Forest before logging began. Note the prevalence of “Establishment” stage forest in the area, which is forest that was clearcut within the last 20-30 years.
Related to the logging above:
From: Forestry Maps Verbatim:
Forestry Maps. Jan. 11 at 2:46 p.m.
Update on parcels AP08637B and AP08637D in Annapolis CountyWestfor received approval for the partial harvest of block number AP068637 from Minister Miller on June 20, 2018. They also received approval to carry out road maintenance and construction and the road was constructed in July 2018. A 20-hectare cut of the approved 40-hectare partial harvest was completed in August/September 2018. We understand that Westfor plans to complete the remaining portion of the approved partial harvest plan in spring 2019. Despite the unusual planning and consultation process involved in this site, we have listened to the various forms of feedback. Consistent with recommendations from Professor Lahey, any future harvest of these 40 hectares will be designed to continue on a path of multi-aged management and will not involve overstory removal i.e. a clearcut.
Screen captures from NS Landscape Map Viewer (Dec 28, 2018):
(Click on images for larger versions)
For some context, view Annapolis Co. Nova Scotia folks investigating more Crown land cuts
Posted on NSFN, Dec 23, 2018

For Reference. From HPMV Dec 28, 2018