Picturesque Annapolis Co. 2017. Annapolis Co. has a high proportion of Crown land which has been subject to intensive and extensive harvesting (View Post Jan 8, 2019) NRR’s defence of their line in the sand at Beals Meadow makes no reference to landscape level planning for biodiversity conservation – a major issue in relation to the Beals Meadow site, as cited by Nina Newington on Dec 3, 2021.
Early on, in fact on Day 2 of the Last Hope Wildlife Corridor Encampment /Protest, a senior bureaucrat at Nova Scotia Natural Resources and Renewables stated clearly they were not about to change direction in regard to Crown land block AP068499 Beals Meadow. The position was reiterated by NRR Minister Tory Rushton on Jan 12, 2022.
It was the second such line drawn in the sands of Annapolis Co. since Prof Lahey released his report on Aug21, 2018. The first was at The Corbett Lake Old Hardwood Forest in 2019 under the Liberal government with Iain Rankin as Minister of Lands and Forestry. That was also the site where the Women of Annapolis County/Extinction Rebellion Mi’kma’ki / Nova Scotia staged their first encampment to block logging on a Crown land parcel.
The more that was learned about that site, the more reasons there were for not logging it, but the government remained entrenched in its position.
Is that recent history about to repeat itself?